Monday, August 5, 2013

Feeling One as I sit among the trees

A gorgeous day
to sit with the trees
bathe ourselves in the beauty of
fresh air, warm sun, crisp bright colors,
and deep inner peace.
Letting ourselves feel the oneness
of all we are and all we hope to be.

All around me is beauty,
the frightful tension of
my “shoulds” and  “oughts”
and in its place nothing but
here and now
alive, warm, and holding me in stillness.

The blueness of the sky,
the sound of flowing water
flowers showing me their face
in the most surprising space.
I look up and remember the night sky
knowing there is a vastness of otherness above,
before and within me is one

I sit, feeling whole and healed and wonder:
“why don’t I do this more often?”
and the answer within
is frightful and hard for me to even acknowledge.
 “I’m just too busy”, I say
and another voice deeper within says:
“or are you just too afraid you’ll lose control
as a simple thread in this web of life?”

As I walk inside,
I feel the trees look, but they say nothing,
The stale air of my office welcomes me
and a silent whimper in my heart
makes me feel cold and cracked like ice.
I look out the window and promise my heart:
“tomorrow we’ll go and sit with them again.”
(Julia Keegan, OSF)

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